“The valley spirit never dies. It is named the mysterious feminine. And the doorway of the mysterious feminine is base from which heaven and earth sprang. It is there within us all this while. Draw upon it as you will. It never runs dry.” Tao Te Ching
A 6-week Eros-Filled and Jewel-Guided Leadership Program to Discover Your Juiciness, Own Your Embodied Power and Find Your Way Home at the center of yourself.
This program aims to awaken your feminine leadership, which is based in the body, with a focus on activating your jewel (a.k.a. your pussy), your playful pleasure, your embodied power in your belly and by turning inside, connecting with your soul. By the end of the program you will have discovered a new, flirtatious and conscious way of being, living and leading.
“Eros is the driving force of life itself, and the erotic is that quality in reality that makes it lively, juicy, and alluring. Cosmic desire brings the universe into being, and the world is, in one sense, an out flowing of the cosmic erotic impulse. In these various traditions, sexual desire and connection can be an expression of love for another person, for God alone, or the very basis of the existence of the universe itself.” (Sally Kempton)
I've now held a number of these courses in Swedish, this being the first one in English, and the demand keeps rising. I believe the reason for the interest is that we all, especially high-achievers, change-makers and good girls are secretly longing for a different way of living, with more eros and pleasure, with more playfulness, but also closer to presence, mystery and our own soul.
Most of us are in a long distance-relationship with our bodies, living in our heads, while operating in masculine performance-driven environments. While left-brain abilities are wonderful, they often choke us in a never-ending do-more/fail-less monologue, and we disconnect from our true power sources, namely our jewel, heart, soul and Eros itself. When we turn our gaze inwards, starting with our desires, our heart’s longing and reconnecting with our bodies, we discover a power that is self-renewable and ultimately takes us all the way home to our essence, our soul. We become juicy, empowered and inner-directed. We become awakened feminine leaders, or maybe more aptly put Goddesses/Priestesses - who are not here to transcend life, quoting Jungian psychologist Marion Woodman, but instead to dive deeper into it. This program offers an initiation into the powerful path of Awakened and Turned-On Feminine Leadership
- How to turn on your feminine leadership - juicy, empowered and inner-directed and move from performance to pleasure and inner connection. The path goes through the body and the jewel so you get in contact with the mystery within and beyond you.
- Landing in new daily rituals and practices, which will help you turn this into a life-style after the program is finished.
- Become a stronger -and much more playful - leader of yourself and of others.
Asking for what you really want - starting on a superficial level and taking it all the way to what’s most holy.
- Developing your presence, inner power and strength, your sensualism, juiciness and ability to affect other people privately and professionally.
- Strengthen your sensuality, playfulness and becoming more present to your inner truth.
- Exploring what it means to go through the Good Girl Detox, learn how to unleash your wild side, which in turn supports your ability to surrender.
- Set clear boundaries and determine your givens.
- Experience more transformative sex (with or without a partner), living more sensually and playfully.
- Activate a stronger contact with yourself, held together by self-love and an invitation to the mystery within and beyond you.